SP F meeting


Here is a short summary of our SP-F weekly meeting:

  • Leena presented a short overview of available simulations, documentation, teams
  • Preferred computing machines Gateway, Garching Cluster (Leuven team has other resources)
  • Agreed to use version 3.0.7 of SOLPSITER for the first studies (previous runs were carried out with 3.0.6)


Actions until next week’s meeting:

  • Leena checks Gateway resources
  • Giulio contacts Lingyan to get run files for SX and SNSX hybrid (cc to Leena and Wouter)
  • Fabio prepares a few slides about the XD status (max 5 minutes / 5 slides, summary of Lingyan’s IAEA paper results)
  • Ou prepares a 2D map (Gamma_D/Gamma_Ar/T_div (for hottest target)) similar to slide 3 on “SPF_work_status.pdf” to show in next meeting


On-going tasks (to be reported later):

  • Giulio, Fabio and Ou start looking into lambda_q evaluations
  • Everybody start reading the documentation / publications
  • Giulio, Aaro and Leuven team start looking at the SX results in particular to provide summary presentations in the upcoming meetings
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.