W7-X EM turbulence
- Status: most of stellarator turbulence studies are in a flux tube
- Problem: flux-tube modeling is more questionable in stellarators than it is in tokamaks
- Flux tubes are not equivalent (in contrast to tokamaks): stellarators are intrinsically poloidally-global.
- Radial bounce-averaged drifts do no vanish (in contrast to tokamaks): stellarators are intrinsically radially-global.
- No good way to incorporate ambient Er in a flux tube.
- Status: only a handfull of global turbulence simulations (EUTERPE) is available for stellarators; mostly electrostatic
- Challenge: global electromagnetic turbulence in stellarator (W7-X) geometry
Geometry and profiles

Larger temperature implies larger ρ∗ (relevant values Te∼5[keV])
Larger ρ∗ need less Fourier harmonics to resolve the same k⊥ρi∼1
Time evolution (β=1.12%)

Heat and particle fluxes in gyro-Bohm units; profile evolution is not strong

Initialization with noise; instability starts to develop

Linear instability; ZF is excited; linear mode is weaken locally by ZF

The turbulence is pushed by ZF into regions of small gradient; saturation
Beta scan: electrostatic potential
on the left: zonal flow included. On the right: zonal flow excluded
- βEU=μ0n0TeB2=0.00035; β=2μ0n0(Ti+Te)B2=0.14%

- βEU=μ0n0TeB2=0.0007; β=2μ0n0(Ti+Te)B2=0.28%

- βEU=μ0n0TeB2=0.0028; β=2μ0n0(Ti+Te)B2=1.12%

- βEU=μ0n0TeB2=0.0042; β=2μ0n0(Ti+Te)B2=1.68%

Summary: zonal flow excited at larger β is weaker
Evolution of electrostatic potential (β=1.12%) plotted as a function of radius and toroidal mode number; including zonal flow and temperature evolution
Evolution of electrostatic potential (β=1.12%) plotted as a function of radius and toroidal mode number; excluding zonal flow
Evolution of electrostatic potential (β=1.12%) plotted in a poloidal cross-section; all modes included