13:51:13 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: That is not always the case Laurent! 13:54:12 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: add to end of 1: "where justified by the needs of the EF programme." 13:57:15 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: I understood that an HPC ACH in-perosn meeting is already planned. 14:09:25 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: AND WPs! 14:12:28 From Volker Naulin to Denis Kalupin(direct message): Denis, do we have a document for the Large Scale Data Storage facility? 14:24:55 From Denis Kalupin to Volker Naulin(direct message): somwhere , but i need to look for it... 14:25:39 From Volker Naulin to Denis Kalupin(direct message): There was a dedicated proposal, but it is some time ago... 14:27:52 From Denis Kalupin to Volker Naulin(direct message): Yes, by David Coster group... 14:31:58 From Denis Kalupin to Volker Naulin(direct message): just sent it 15:39:20 From David Tskhakaya to Denis Kalupin(direct message): Hello Denis, I just registered for the GM. 16:09:30 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: Adding codes to ESS will be a bit of a "down selection" filter .... More advanced codes will continue to be developed in TSVVs 16:11:11 From Fulvio Zonca to Everyone: I would say that even now there are theory predictions that are stringent and can be compared with new advanced diagnostics. See eg recent PRL by DIIID where finally they can measure fluctuation polarization 16:11:42 From Fulvio Zonca to Everyone: And they turn out to be fully consistent with GK theory predictions (analytic) done more than 10 years ago 16:12:48 From Fulvio Zonca to Everyone: This is what theory should do, and what code should calculate. Making predictions which experiment can validate, maybe 10 years later when diagnostics develop 16:13:08 From Fulvio Zonca to Everyone: This is predictive capability in my opinion 16:13:29 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: Reacted to "This is predictive c..." with 👍 16:14:39 From laurent.villard@epfl.ch to Everyone: @Fulvio: agreed! 16:51:37 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: It is 4 full days... It can have a lot of science in that time, but also include a session on future visions 16:53:32 From Colin M Roach to Everyone: ACHs should be involved in the TSVV session