Pressure Gauges Technical Meeting


Draft Minutes


Pressure Gauges Technical Meeting

Chair: J. Figueiredo




 14 October 2021


 13h30 – 15h00





 V. Naulin

 D. Kalupin

 S. Moradi

 D. Douai

 J. Figueiredo







 R. Pitts

 P. Andrew



 A. Dinklage

 H. Meister

 U. Wenzel

 D. Naujoks

 C. Petersen



 X. Litaudon






Draft Minutes:

The meeting consisted in two presentations and general discussion.


2) Pressure Gauges - W7X Presentation:

U. Wenzel presented the pressure gauges with crystal cathodes work done by him and his team under the scope of EUROfusion funded grant (2019-2021).


3) Pressure Gauges ITER Presentation:

P. Andrew presented the status of the ITER Pressure Gauges project.


4) Discussion / Q&A

It was stated that the neutronic damage encountered on tests with the LaB6 is worrying. The next step should be testing the ZrC design in the same or similar conditions (with neutrons). It was highlighted that the Final Design Review for this ITER diagnostic is May 2022. It was discussed the possibility of doing the aforementioned tests in a fission reactor for instance in Kazakhstan with which ITER has signed a cooperation agreement. But it was considered that the results of such a test would take 1 -1.5 years to be obtained. Moreover the neutron energy spectra in a fission reactor is significantly different to the one from a fusion reactor. The instrumentation costs of doing this test for 3 detectors at LHD is approximately 45k€. If necessary is possible to reduce the number of detectors to less than 3 with the cost going doing proportinally.


5) Actions

- U. Wenzel to provide a slide for X. Litaudon to present at the international group on Long Pulse Operation (CICLOP).  

- J. Figueiredo to address the issue of financial support for possible tests of the ZrC design at LHD.

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