3rd SB.ENR-TEC (Mid Term Review - EnR projects)


Mid-Term Review of Enabling Research activities (area Technology&Systems).

The goal is to review project performance in order to provide greater insight into the project implementation and ensure efficient and cost effective project delivery and management.

The purpose is to examine and provide feedback on the project implementation with respect to the original scientific proposal, and assess the results achieved.

Project level midterm evaluation also helps to identify obstacles to performance, provide justification for extension of the project beyond currently accepted delivery date (only possible in exceptional well-argumented cases) and provide information for the global EUROfusion programme (e.g. to other work packages).


This is a closed meeting to be attended by the board members only.

If further clarifications are required, those can be addressed to the PI in written or through additional meeting.

Meeting agenda is indicative and can be adjusted by the Board as needed.


Zoom Meeting details:


Meeting ID: 873 1252 4212
Passcode: 495876

    • Discussions of progress and organisation of reviewed projects

      Free format discussions by the Board of the project organisation, progress achieved within projects and possible corrections to projects or objectives.

      Convener: Dr Denis Kalupin (EUROfusion PMU)
      • 1
        ENR-TEC.01.DIFFER: Multivariable feedback control of radiative loss-processes using multi-spectral imaging
      • 2
        ENR-TEC.01.IPPLM: Development of GEM detector as a compact neutron spectrometer for fusion plasmas
      • 3
        ENR-TEC.01.IST: Advances in real-time reflectometry plasma tracking for next generation machines: Application to DEMO
      • 4
        ENR-TEC.01.KIT: New generation of megawatt-class fusion gyrotron systems based on highly efficient operation at the second harmonic of the cyclotron frequency
      • 5
        ENR-TEC.01.MPG: Reconstruction of 4D and 5D fast-ion phase space distribution functions in tokamaks and stellarators
      • 6
        ENR-TEC.01.VTT: Silicon photonics steady-state magnetic field sensor
    • Conclusions and Recommendations

      Draft of recommendation reports

      Convener: Denis Kalupin (EUROfusion PMU)