Meeting # 12 of the SC on the EUROfusion-IO development of IMAS

Volker Naulin (EFDA-JET), Alberto Loarte (ITER)

Meeting # 12 of the Steering Committee on the EUROfusion-IO joint development of IMAS.

Access to the meeting website

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 1022 5351
Passcode: 009948

Documents distributed for this meeting

  1. Agenda of the meeting
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 May 2022

Summary of actions from the last meeting

  1. WPPrIo to organize a meeting involving the coordinators of the various databases, Simon, Olivier and Alberto to discuss (i) the progress on the IMASification, (ii) the issue of backward compatibility and (iii) new definitions
  2. Richard to organize a meeting involving Simon, Marcin (PSNC), Pär and Olivier to discuss technical aspects of the mirroring of IMAS IO sources in the EU 
  3. Simon to establish a list of items that IO cannot access and of items they additionally wish to access