May 13 – 17, 2024
ESO, Garching (Germany)
Europe/Berlin timezone


Creativity in Science

May 15, 2024, 12:30 PM
ESO, Garching (Germany)

ESO, Garching (Germany)

Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2, 85748 Garching bei München


Creativity in Science

  • Jian Wang


It is creativity/novelty that drives scientific breakthroughs and societal progress, but the journey from a novel scientific idea to a practical solution can be long and winding. Debates also persist regarding whether and how science contributes to practical solutions. In this talk, I will explore the complex relationship between novelty and impact in science and technological innovation. Furthermore, I will examine concerns that the current science funding system is increasingly risk-averse and favours short-term, safe projects over long-term, risky and novel projects. I will also present empirical evidence about whether major funding agencies are biased against novelty in their project selection process, and whether receiving funding enables grantees to engage more in novel research. Finally, I will discuss strategies that scientists can use to boost creativity, such as how to structure the professor-PhD student relationship, collaboration teams, and broader collaboration networks.

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