May 13 – 17, 2024
ESO, Garching (Germany)
Europe/Berlin timezone


Project Day: Rapid prototyping

May 15, 2024, 9:00 AM
ESO, Garching (Germany)

ESO, Garching (Germany)

Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2, 85748 Garching bei München


Project Day: Rapid prototyping

  • Vikki Eriksson (Aalto)

Project Day: Rapid prototyping

  • Vikki Eriksson (Aalto)

Project Day: Rapid prototyping

  • Vikki Eriksson (Aalto)

Project Day: Rapid prototyping

  • Vikki Eriksson (Aalto)


Conventional idea generation tools are often lacking in flexibility and in ease of communicating and critically evaluating the ideas. The amount of available techniques is abundant, but they are often complicated to apply. We have aimed to address the problems reported by the industry with a new method for effective idea generation and evaluation, Product Development Project in 4 hours (PD4) workshop. The focus of the workshop is on the communication and evaluation of ideas. Instead of teaching any specific method, participants are encouraged to flexibly use multiple techniques and adapt them for the individual needs of the situation.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...