5th SB.ENR-IFE (Evaluation of EnR proposals 2024-2025)


The meeting aimed at organising the Selection of Enabling Research 2024-2025 project proposals in the area of Inertial Fusion Energy.

As last time, the main outcome from this meeting shall be distribution of proposals among E-TASC SB members.

By distributing proposals, we should keep in mind:

  • Avoiding conflicts of interests (SB member can’t evaluate proposals where he or his beneficiary is involved);
  • Each proposal shall receive >5 evaluations by different SB members; and
  • The load on SB members shall be distributed equally.

ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81869098017?pwd=K3BqNTVleHRMdVhBN3VNUFZWd2tmUT09

The agenda of this meeting is empty