SiCO meeting #1 2023-05-05

Pär Strand (VR)

1. Introduction 

Pär Strand gave an overview of hte plans and structures set up for implementation of the DMP. 
- Based on the FAIR4Fusion tools et
- Structured around site services providing data mappings from the experiments (local data formats) to IMAS and core services standardising the interfaces that are exposed to the users. 
  The proposal is to base the data transports to be based on the UDA toolset that has the potential to provide a single user interface to both local and remote users. 
 - Planning for use of resources is based on the GA approved Initial plan of implementation of implemnting scenario A and prototyping scenario B. 


GA has provided 2 ppy towards the the IMASIFICATION of Machine Data. The DMP project argues that this has a one to one correspendence with an acceleration of the implementation of scenarioB. 
The suggested approach from The PMU and FSD leadership seem to be (despite heated discussions) to be fully consistent with the plan for scenario B but the time for impelmentation should be shortened compare to the original plan for prototyping only and the scope of the site services should be extended to cover the actual needs of the customers (mainly TSVVs). 

Discussion focussed on  how to speed up Scenario B (Imasification of machine data) and to what extent the additional resource could be utilized

 -  the main resource issues are a) the availability of site experts (diagnosticians /physicists and IT staff needed) for mapping the data  - previous calls on these expertise has been hard to fill and  however partial data mappings serving some o f the TSVVs immediate needs are available from current bespoke solutions on each device and these can be imported to the UDA plugin  technology but some development and implementation is needed on the sites. b) the core services are already geared up for implementing the  original plan and need to assess how to accomodate a faster and more complete scenario B omplementation. The expertise needed for scenario B is not exactly the same as for Scenario A (different stages of project maturity and different focus) so the available manpower is not easily exchangeable. PNSC have the key competences needed (or in the process of hiring) but the short teerm rescheduling are in several casesw not possible as some are working on projects outside of fusion to be made available for scenario B work as per the orginal timeline.   

Other needs from the TSVVs (in particular) was raised by Denis Kalupin where in particular the access to AMNS data was highlighted. This has been reaised several times as no support for AMNS work has been provided since WP CD closed down. 

Suggestions where new resources could be useful:

 - AMNS support (WPCD had 1-2ppy) to develop and maintain  -  a bsic support can in principle be at a lower cost but do not guarantee new facilities for all TSVVs can be pormoted. 
 - Engage Machine description expertise currently availale in the ACH to support the Sites 
 - Amend COre services for acceleration of data access form experiments. 

3 -  5. Technical Status of site and core services

 See slides for details    

 -  WEST "fully" IMASified and currently runs local isntallations of teh infrastructure that covers scenario A and B (initial stages) -  infrastructure improvement suggestions forportal already made available to Core Services 
 -  TCV  -  has a loal IMAS server and measn to populate for scenario A and model tools tcv2ids that can supprot ETS/JINTRAC and other type applications. Starting initial discussions with ACH for next stages 
 - AUG descreibes current status and toolses and describes the readiness for scenario A. Some local tools for supporting ETS/JINTRAC and other type applications are available. Not easy to extend site services as even finding support for the current level of involvement was hard. 
 -ACH core services. Detailed resource loaded plan based on the original implementation is available.

- PMU/FSD to assess how to implement the reosurces being made available(i.,e,. a call or other mechanisms).
- ACH to review how a full scenario B can be rapidly implemented by balancing existing and new resources. Need to do an assessemnt on support needs for UDA: 
-  DMP team to get updates in new UDA and general data mapping technologu (meeting 2023-05-12) to facilitate the above

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