SiCO meeting 2023-11-07

Pär Strand (VR)
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      Speaker: Pär Strand (VR)

      Update on AAI lite access:

       -  KeyCloak support 5-6pm,  new or different resources (check with Marcin)
       -  Available Q2 2024.
       -  PSNC team need to have access to EURPOfusion LDAP (Michal to prepare a tech note, PS to prepare a question to Denis)

       - can we read hdf5 data through UDA? PSNC to validate?
       - What is the preferred method of ingestion?
       - UDA protocol to be started with first and then to have local files as a second stage?
       - Possibility to have a local uda server for ingestion to provide simplified UDA access
       - EUROfusion databases have some of the information in the ids_summary - suffiencient for customers search needs?
         ( disruptions, pedestal and ???)
       - How is the ingestion request initiated? Can we have a small test activity?
       --- WEST, MAST and TCV to validate access to Local UDA services from GW.
       --- Test the Ingestion protocol

      See coming notes from Michal with more on the testing protocol.

      IPP: wating for DMZ
      WEST: Testing the UDA installations and are debugging (local files) Imas plugin promising but requiring development versions.
      MAST: UDA development is UK only and need to be discussed/supoorted for security of tools development
      TCV: progress on the UDA server, complicated build dependencies  - better documentation is needed! --> Bartek doc on
           Is there an agreed distribution  - Rocky linux used for build convenience.

      Simulation and modelling data should come in an organised form: Simdb is usggested.

      What are TSVV11 needs  PS to contact CB

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      Core services
      Speaker: Michal Owsiak (IPPLM)

      am sending out the diagram of what currently is possible, and what needs to be implemented.

      I will not go into details here - I prefer to discuss this diagram live.

      However, to summarize the brief discussion from the last meeting.

      In principal it is possible to use `UDA` from external server as a source. We have to test it with `imas/ual` + `UDA`, though.

      Local ingestion also works.

      The topic in question is: how to ingest data in different formats (CSV, HDF5).

      If `UDA` supports `HDF5` already - there is no problem here and CSV is the only remaining case.

      If `UDA` does not support `HDF5` - this is also a case without a support.

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      Site services
      Speakers: David Coster (MPG), Frederic Imbeaux (CEA), Joan Decker (EPFL), Shaun de Witt (CCFE)
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      Tasks and charges
      Speaker: Pär Strand (VR)