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Remote participation:
There are a few actions not yet completed from 22 April.
There was a request to upload the documents on the JINTRACK-ASTRA benchmark received from Alexei. These are now available at:
Branch removeInterpretativeTotalDensity:
No update on IPramp, nor on revisedImpurity.
Dave: We should not extrapolate to remove faulty values. When we have problems at the boundary we need to abort.
Dave, Pär, ... : We should refine time-steps without iterating if the temperature goes negative.
Jorge: When we get negative values we need to output the virtual source related to the modification of the profile. This can improve the convergence.
Dave: Make sure that the initial (input) profiles satisfies the constraints.
Alexei: Careful with the sign of D/v.
In summary, the proposal was accepted with the exception that we should abort when having unacceptable values at the edge.
Test that would be useful to add:
- Important to deliver something by the end of the year to ensure that the new ETS-6 management gets a working product.
- Try to get something ready before the end of the year (Task on Irena).
Pär: Typically it is numerical instabilities due to too long time steps and poor control TO some extent it is due to poor edge conditioning (cf the 92436/839 case as shown by Thomas case)
Sun Hee: It can also happen when the radiative loss is high compared with the time-step. In this case, also reducing the time-step helps.
Pär: yes, so this is what I mean with poor Control (upper time step should be limited by physics not conveience)
Jorge: If you need to reduce your dt to 10^-12 then from the point of view of practicality it really doesn’t help
Pär: true but then are you using the correct tool for your physics problem - or your solver is not dealing with the stiff models
Jorge: But you can always try to calculate an approximate solution
Pär: GLF23 is by far the stiffest we have and that can force timesteps to very short but typically not to 10^-6
Pär: Or do the trick one of out more used code did: switch to BgB when you run into probelms and then switch back when things has stabilised
Jorge: These kind of problems usually occur near to the edge and are usually related with sources/sinks Radiation, equipartition, etc
Pär: right. equilibration terms is not fully implicit in ETS I think