WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting



Thomas Jonsson

WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting are technical meetings to plan and coordinate the development of the ETS-6 workflow.


Remote participation:



Minutes from the Weekly WIMAS-2 Meeting, 13 May 2020

1. Actions from last meeting

See the tab Actions from WIMAS-2 Meetings in:


Alexei: The question on how to handle non-quasi-neutral sources in a transport solver is a non-trivial problem that require more careful investigations. 

Dave/Thomas: This is not a top priority this year.

2. FEM Solver

Alexei had a question on the conservation properties of the weak formulation. Anna will try to formulate an answer (this was formulated as an action 2 weeks ago).

Pär had comments on how to factorise the transport equations to avoid singularities. The equations in the ETS are already factorised.


  1. Anna/Thomas: Add Anna's documentation to the ETS documentation.

3. Transferring ETS-5 developments to the ETS-6

3.1. Hyper-diffusion

Dave commented that we may consider evaluating the advection term using the previous iteration instead of the previous time-step.


  1. Unknown: Test hyper-diffusion in the ETS-5 for various solutions.
  2. David Coster (to be confirmed): Build a standalone test bench for hyperdiffusion.
  3. Team: Design hyper-diffusion for the ETS-6.
  4. Team: Implement hyper-diffusion for the ETS-6.

3.2. Internal boundary conditions and pedestal predictions

Question: Could we make use of lessons learned from JINTRAC and ASTRA?

Answer: We seems to have fairly good understanding of how it's been implemented in JINTRAC. Dave also has a report on this. The strategy forward is to test our envisaged solution in ETS-5 and contact the JINTRAC team if needed.

Rui: The solution using a neural network problem cannot be used with pellets.

Dave: It is now important to follow up on Dmitriy's presentation.


  1. Team: Design internal boundary conditions for the ETS-6.
  2. Team: Implement internal boundary conditions for the ETS-6.
  3. Team: Implement Andreas neural network model for the edge in the ETS-6.

4. Any other business

All critical people needed for the WIMAS-2 Sprint 18-19 May 2020 are available. As it's a short sprint we'll focus on WIMAS-2.

Everyone should start preparing for 2020 and their answer to the TSVV call.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Actions from last meeting

      Minutes from previous meeting:

      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson
    • 2
      Active branches

      Here we will go through and discuss the ongoing developments on different branches in the ets-core repository.

      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson

      New active branches


      Old active branches

      • pinchVelocityComments - need more testing and updates to diagnostic-scripts (from Dmitriy).
      • IPramp (Jorge)
      • revise_impurity (Denis)
      • transport_combiner - work just started.

      Merged branches

      • negativeValues - as agreed two weeks ago.
        • Note: We now abort if the quasi-neutrality condition generates negative (or too small) densities.
        • Note: We abort if the input to the transport_solver include negative (or too small) densities or temperatures. 
      • convertSources
        • Fix error in unit-conversion of transport-solver sources output.
        • Use identifiers for core_sources and core_transport output.
      • solverFEM2 - integration of new solver from Anna, see next presentation.
        • Testing for Dirichlet BCs are very good!
        • For gradient BDs (psi-equation) seems to require more work. So don't use solverFEM2 for the psi-equation right now!
        • The option to select this solver is not in the ETS6rc2.xml workflow.
    • 3
      FEM Solver
      Speaker: Anna Šušnjara (RBI)
    • 4
      ETS-5 features useful for ETS-6
      Speaker: Dmitriy Yadkin (Chalmers)
    • 5
      Any other business
      1. need to plan next week's virtual sprint
      2. call for TSVV and ACH's now out -- need to think about this ...