WPSA Progress Meeting: Operations

https://istp-cnr-it.zoom.us/j/84184429463 (Passcode: 908019)

https://istp-cnr-it.zoom.us/j/84184429463 (Passcode: 908019)

Carlo Sozzi (ENEA ISTP-CNR Milano), Matteo Iafrati (ENEA)
10:00 General introduction [C. Sozzi]
10:15 Preparation of the TS commissioning [R. Pasqualotto/A. Fassina]
10:30 Preparation of the VUV commissioning [M. Valisa/A. Belpane]
10:45 Operational tools and conditioning [P. Moreau]
11:00 Plasma control tools development and training [G. De Tommasi]
11:15 Remote access architecture improvement [F. Imbeaux/G. De Tommasi]
11:30 Cryogenic system and magnet [Q. Le Coz ]
11:45 Magnetic characterization of superconductive strands [G. De Marzi]
12:00 Software tool for QDV analysis [C. Fiamozzi Zignani]
12:15 Conclusion and discussion
WPSA Progress Meeting 2024