SiCO meeting 2024-12-04

Pär Strand (VR)
Passcode: FAIR

UDA is not optimised for larger transfer but should (and do) work well for small queries and get_slice operations. For larger (how large?) requests it might be better ti switch approach.

 Venues to explore:
- CVMFS as intermediate storage
- switch to internal bytes download

both venues possible but have different security implications and need some work and development to get installed and tested.

UKAEA has started a profiling activity to find potential speedups in current configuration. Need to define the next stage for large downloads.

WE are now starting to get requests for scenario B data. A discussion/clarficiation on the AA methodology has led to at least JDC need to review the approach in view of their security model.

I will distribute the templates for reporting this is due before christmas...


    • 13:00 13:15
      Introduction/Information 15m
      Speaker: Pär Strand (VR)
    • 13:15 13:35
      Core services 20m

      General update during previous week.

      Speaker: Michal Owsiak (IPPLM)
    • 13:35 14:15
      Site services 40m
      Speakers: David Coster (MPG), Frederic Imbeaux (CEA), Joan Decker (EPFL), Lukas Kripner (IPP.CR), Shaun de Witt (CCFE)
    • 14:15 14:35
      Tasks and charges 20m
      Speaker: Pär Strand (VR)