- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Passcode: FAIR
1. Keycloak access and tests related to retrieving and decomposing
Keycloak tokens
- did anyone apart from Cenk had time to do the tests?
There is a whole discussion on Mattermost here:
2. Validator tests
- did anyone had a chance to give it a try to Validator?
There is a brief documentation here:
and repository with a code and detailed description here:
3. Future work
There are still some open points and open activities that we can tackle
this year. However, we need to make priorities.
What should we start with in a first place:
- Ability to upload data from UI (e.g. uploading / adding URI directly
from UI level)
- 2D / 3D arrays support (this is a heavy topic, doable, but will
consume quite some resources)
- HDF5 based data export (e.g. retrieving whole experiment and exposing
it as a ZIP package with HDF5 files - quite time consuming, doable)
- CSV export as HDF5 data (CSV like export but in HDF5 format - we need
clarification here)
We need to know which of the listed topics brings most value to the
product and which one should we tackle first.
Any other ideas?
General update during previous week.