SiCO meeting 2025-02-11

Pär Strand (VR)
    • 13:00 13:15
      Introduction/Information 15m
      Speaker: Pär Strand (VR)

      1. Keycloak access and tests related to retrieving and decomposing
      Keycloak tokens

      - did anyone apart from Cenk had time to do the tests?

      There is a whole discussion on Mattermost here:

      2. Validator tests

      - did anyone had a chance to give it a try to Validator?

      There is a brief documentation here:

      and repository with a code and detailed description here:

      3. Future work

      There are still some open points and open activities that we can tackle
      this year. However, we need to make priorities.

      What should we start with in a first place:

      - Ability to upload data from UI (e.g. uploading / adding URI directly
      from UI level)

      - 2D / 3D arrays support (this is a heavy topic, doable, but will
      consume quite some resources)

      - HDF5 based data export (e.g. retrieving whole experiment and exposing
      it as a ZIP package with HDF5 files - quite time consuming, doable)

      - CSV export as HDF5 data (CSV like export but in HDF5 format - we need
      clarification here)

      We need to know which of the listed topics brings most value to the
      product and which one should we tackle first.

      Any other ideas?



    • 13:15 13:35
      Core services 20m

      General update during previous week.

      Speaker: Michal Owsiak (IPPLM)
    • 13:35 14:15
      Site services 40m
      Speakers: David Coster (MPG), Frederic Imbeaux (CEA), Joan Decker (EPFL), Lukas Kripner (IPP.CR), Shaun de Witt (CCFE)
    • 14:15 14:35
      Tasks and charges 20m
      Speaker: Pär Strand (VR)