8–19 Jun 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Contribution List

37 / 37
08/06/2020, 09:00
08/06/2020, 09:10
Michele Romanelli (European Task Force on Integrated Tokamak Modelling), Stuart Henderson (UKAEA)
09/06/2020, 11:00

Demonstration using the IMASGo! tools

Lorenzo Figini, Olivier Sauter (EPFL), Silvana Nowak, Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
09/06/2020, 14:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
09/06/2020, 17:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
10/06/2020, 09:01
Lorenzo Figini, Olivier Sauter, Silvana Nowak, Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
10/06/2020, 16:45
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
11/06/2020, 09:00
Jorgi Manyer Fuertes (BSC), Mervi Mantsinen (BSC), Mireille Schneider (ITER Organisation), Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR)), Xavier Saez (BSC)
11/06/2020, 11:01
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
11/06/2020, 15:30
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
11/06/2020, 16:45
Nathan Cummings (CCFE)
12/06/2020, 11:00

Demonstration of CPO2IDS

Dr Jorge Ferreira (Instituto Superior Técnico / Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear)
12/06/2020, 11:20

Demonstration of IDS2CPO

Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
12/06/2020, 16:45
Dmitriy Yadikin (Chalmers, EUROfusion-VR)
15/06/2020, 11:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
15/06/2020, 13:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
15/06/2020, 15:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
15/06/2020, 16:45
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
16/06/2020, 11:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
16/06/2020, 15:30
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
16/06/2020, 16:45
Mike Dunne (IPP)
17/06/2020, 11:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
17/06/2020, 13:00
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
17/06/2020, 16:45
Rainer Fischer
18/06/2020, 15:00
Marco Sertoli
18/06/2020, 15:30
Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
18/06/2020, 16:45