WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting



Thomas Jonsson

WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting are technical meetings to plan and coordinate the development of the ETS-6 workflow.


Remote participation:



WIMAS-2 14/10 Minutes

Minutes by Nathan Cummings and Thomas Jonsson

Whats new in ETS

 - fill summary tool presented
 - separate toroidal/poloidal rotation equations introduced in branch ‘rotation’ - replacing branch ‘bulk_rotation’
 - developments in Impurities
 - developments in core_profiles - ‘update_core_profiles’ actor introduced and update to ‘combine_core_profiles’ underway
 - new actor ‘database_hcd’
 - workflow updates with new actors

  • DY: So we can HCD as OFF, STATIC, INTERPRETATIVE. Why is not PREDICTIVE an option?
    • Answer from TJ: What we're selecting here is the power wave forms and not the computational mode source profiles.
  • AP: You already have an update_core_profiles to update core_profiles each time equilibrium is updated. Do you also modify the transport coefficients?
    • PS: Need to update transport coeffs if updating core_profiles
    • PS: We cannot scale transport coefficient - they have to be recalculated. 
    • PS: Approach is use-case dependant
    • DY: Should we throw a warning?
    • PS: A control mechanism is necessary
      ...more details to be added later on.


  • NEOWES work - wait for Bruce

Core-edge sprint

Andreas: PENN actor for ETS6 by Monday
Need input from RUI re SOLPSZ1

ITER Scenarios

DC: Please included all input and output shot-files in the public database.

A new webpage was created with instructions on how to populate the public database:

For those who have write access in the public db:

For people who want to have their data stored in the public database:

  • Send an email to Pär Strand with
    • Specify: user-id (where shot-file is stored), database name (i.e. the machine or tokamak name), version of the data-dictionary (at present the version is 3), shot number, run number
    • Provide a text file with detail descriptions. This file should include a qualitative description of the data and where the data came from, such that it can be recreated. The instructions are (by David Coster):
What is the purpose of this shot/run?
* data from an experiment
* data to be used for code development test cases
* ???

For experimental data:
* why was this discharge chosen?  [what is interesting about the data? what physics problem was addressed in this discharge]
* what are the limitations of the data?  [e.g. core good, edge bad; no impurities]
* what modifications have been made to the experimental data [e.g. D split 50:50 into D & T]
* are there any references about this discharge [e.g. TRANSP runs, Task Force presentations]

For code development cases:
* how was the case created?
* what are the limitations of the data?
* what sorts of tests are envisaged with this data?


DY: Dmitriy Yadykin
TJ: Thomas Jonsson
PS: Pär Strand
AP: Alexei Polevoi
DC: David Coster

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      ETS-6 News
      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson

      Merged branches:

      • fromDaniel: New gui added to append the summary IDS to a shot file. See presentation by Daniel at the Tech-Dev this afternoon!
      • database_hcd: Get power wave forms from the input IDSs.
      • update_core_profiles: Update core_profiles after with data from an equilibrium solver, i.e. B0, rho_tor, volume, area, surface.
      • explicitBCs: Add new boundary conditions for impurities, where exact values/fluxes are specified for each charge state. This can be used when coupling with edge codes, where the edge code controls the boundary value. Also, implement the parsing of fixed value boundary conditions and concentration based equations for impurities.
      • hyperdiffusionInOutput: Hyper diffusion is now added to the model "transport_solver" in core_transport.
      • rotation: a rewrite a the old branch "bulk_rotation". Recent developments made it easier to rewrite this branch than to merge it. The branch "bulk_rotation" is removed.
      • interpretativeRotation: Implement the interpretative mode for the rotation equations - both poloidal and totoridal.
      • combine_core_profiles: Add the functionality to update neoclassical rotation profiles. However, these are not saved from NCLASS, so this development cannot be used at this point in time.
      • summary_with_H98: Add H98 in the fill_summary actor
    • 2
      Actions from previous meetings


      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson
    • 3
      Planning sprints on core-edge
      Speaker: Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))
    • 4
      Planning the sprint on ITER verification
      Speaker: Nathan Cummings (CCFE)
    • 5
      Any other business