Progress Meeting 2


Minutes Trust 2 Meeting:

SB (Brezinsek), BB (Braams), ET (Tsitrone), AH (Hakola), DM (Matveev), DB (Borodin), DK (Kalupin), GC (Ciarolo), AK (Kirschner), DD (Douai)



TSVV5 -=> Borodin report

SB: Börner delayed => Action DK => Email to FZJ about this via Frank Jenko

SB: Interaction with other TSVVs- => ACTION DB: TSVV11 needs to be discussed

SB: HYDKIN accesible?

SB: Scaling of vibrational population of molecuels das => Simple scaling not possible

AH – strengthen to WP TE and how to link it => Presentation done

DM – which interaction with TSVV7 => DCT included / divertor / CXRS

BB – ACH FKH issues – no bit in ACH covered => KU Leuven participation critical

ET – experimental benchmark vib. Data in WPTE => end of the year

DK: Open positions => P Börner- absence risk 

DK License => FZJ Licensing of EIREN

DD:  => Code Camp => Action on funding




TSVV6 => Ciarolo report

Excellence 3D ?> SOLEDGE and ERO2.0 in 3D

Issue- EFPL => GISELA in 2023

Open Position => on track (Univ. Graz?)

No need for Tavelling in the moment  => Joint Meeting

SB KIT Harting? Decision point


 DD:  Exp cases W7-X => full-C => W samples

=> EMC3-EIRENE =>  ASDEX Upgrade

DB => Kinetic Ions ? Status interaction ?

SB => Reference => IDDT

ET  TE Interaction =>  Experiments

SB => ERO2.0. and IDTT modelling as part


TSVV7 by  Marveev

All on TRACK


DEMO =>  PFC flux          comparison

SB: Safety group requests input this year? Possible

Safety => safety case =>  gross erosion/net erosion from ERO and retention from TESSIM


SB: Dust part delayed? Dust focus in ITER full-W so far

SB: MEMOS rewriting => would there be place? Only reals resouces for use.

IMASIFICATION as the strategy chain …=> New need more support or it will be very late

AH=> Scope of validation device …TE suite

AK=> High density ….10^22m-3 it correct as divertor density? Outside of real range


ACH=> timing => AMNS/libary etc  tbc.

FSD/FTD => erosion/dust  - retention


General comments:

AK => some topics under WPPWIE / twice

DM => MEMOS issues assuming rewritten input


Midterm review in 2023?

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