Qualification of OLMAT as HHF facility in comparison with QSPA and GLADIS (CIEMAT)
Qualification of W-Heavy Alloys for use in W7-X in conjunction with test on new tungsten mock-ups (WP MAT) and PFUs for WEST (WP TE) (MPG)
Qualification of current baseline materials under transient (HHF plasma load with QSPA) and steady state loading (PSI-2, JUDITH) (KIPT)
Pre- and post characterization of samples (MPG)
Performance of advanced materials under high heat loads and their microstructural characterization (MPG)
Results from tests of small-scale samples of W and other advanced materials and components (LPP-ERM/KMS)
Investigation of advanced materials under ELM-like/disruption transient loading and subsequent analysis (KIPT)
Exposure of advanced materials in Magnum-PSI and subsequent analysis including thermal shock response of CVD-W to pulsed plasma (DIFFER)
Assessment of hydrogen impact on material properties linked to ITER relevant PFUs (CEA)
Annealing of chosen tungsten-based materials and quantification of recrystallization kinetics (DTU)