7th E-TASC Scientific Board (finalisation of ACH programme 2023)


Finalisation of ACH programme 2023.

The purpose of the meeting is to finalise the distribution of the ACH support over TSVV (and other projects applied for it).

The indicative planning was already discussed at 5th E-TASC SB (03.03.2022)

Meeting agenda is indicative and can be adjusted by the Board as needed.


Zoom Meeting details:


Meeting ID: 851 5056 6976
Passcode: 714693

    • 09:00 09:15
      Status updates
      Convener: Denis Kalupin (EUROfusion PMU)
    • 09:15 11:45
      ACH work programme 2023
      Convener: Frank Jenko (MPG)
      • 09:15
        ACH-CIEMAT 30m
        Speaker: Mervi Mantsinen
      • 09:45
        ACH-EPFL 30m
        Speakers: Gilles Fourestey (EPFL), Paolo Ricci (CRPP - EPFL)
      • 10:15
        ACH-MPG 30m
        Speaker: Roman Hatzky (IPP)
      • 10:45
        ACH-IPPLM 30m
        Speaker: Marcin Plociennik
      • 11:15
        ACH-VTT 30m
        Speakers: Fredric Granberg (VTT), Jan Åström (VTT)
    • 11:45 12:00
      Convener: Frank Jenko (MPG)

      Following comments were made by the Board.

      Regarding the Mid-Term Review:

      • Introduce corrections to the evaluation form (Colin Roach)
      • Separate scientific part of PI's presentation (which can be done at EUROfusion seminar) from the formal organisational/managerial (which need to be presented to the SB in a separate meeting)
      • feedback from WPs (Thrusts) is important to monitor the use of TSVV developed tools

      Regarding annual planning of ACH support:

      • the process of ACH resources allocation seems to be fine in general
      • two-step evaluation shall remain
      • the first step (call/evaluation of new requests) shall be postponed to June
      • remind code coordinators on their responsibility on careful and clever planning of ACH resources for their codes (TSVV limits shall be remembered) (Action on PMU)

      Regarding the synergies between TSVVs:

      • 'horizontal' interactions between different TSVVs and exchange of tools and ideas is important and shall be encouraged (Action on the SB)


      • The ACH work plan 2023 is finalised and accepted by the board