Meeting # 13 of the SC on the EUROfusion-IO development of IMAS

Volker Naulin (EFDA-JET), Alberto Loarte (ITER)

Meeting # 13 of the Steering Committee on the EUROfusion-IO joint development of IMAS.

Access to the meeting website

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 0219 2415
Passcode: 400864


Documents distributed for this meeting

  1. Agenda of the meeting
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 09 November 2022

Summary of actions from the last meeting

  1. Simon to produce a table listing the categories of codes (physics, control, ...) available in the EU and of interest to IO that will be used to assess if the currently available licenses would allow IO to have access to future developments. 
  2. Simon to provide a list of components of the IMAS infrastructure from the EU that should be part of the package to be released as open source.