TSVV10 Meeting (G. Brochard, B. Rofman, J.N. Sama)



Meeting-ID: 611 1130 3409
Kenncode: 667721
Schnelleinwahl mobil
+496938980596,,61111303409#,,,,*667721# Deutschland


1. Guillaume Brochard: interaction between fishbones and zonal flows; new IMAS IDS for EP distribution functions

2. Baruch Rofman: EP driven modes on TCV

3. Juvert Njeck Sama: EP modes and turbulence on JET

    • 1
      Interaction between fishbones and zonal flows
      Speaker: Dr Guillaume Brochard (ITER)
    • 2
      EP driven modes on TCV
      Speaker: Dr Baruch Rofman (EPFL)
    • 3
      EP modes and turbulence on JET
      Speaker: Mr Juvert Njeck Sama (University of Lorraine)