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- Indico Weeks View
Passcode: FAIR
Outstanding actions: from last meeting
PS to start documentation on either confluence at PSNC or WIKI at EUrOFUSION. (which is best?) - aim for the EUROfusion Wiki.
PS to share the requirements captured form TSVV10, 11 and others.
PS to try to update the requirements with infput from Olivier Sauters group in relation to MAST-U collaboration on equilibrium
PMU ( Denis Duarte) to find name ofr LDAP/Keycloak discussion. (Fabio Vinagre?) Michal Owsiak to call for a meeting with DK, DB and FV)
ALL sites: provide and/or ensure that the UDA access server test can be done asap. UDA instance set up (access by any means ) and details to PSNC: I assume ongoing some discussions on e-mail
Minutes 2024-03-13
PSNC: Continued work on the UDA security update with the view of integrating in the
longer term move the security layer from the iMAS plugin to the security layer.
Looking at the access/ingestion tests with more partners involved.
Question/discussion on how to hadle invalid numbers in the data --> formally keep as "null" in the database, the Disruption database is however having a different approach where the data is not filled but flagged and (reasons given).
We would need to think on how to accomodate this on the GW services when it moves to IMAS format.
AUG: Good progress (see slides) installation uo and running tested from ITER (GW not up to speed in terms of UDA istallation). JIRA trackers on bug(s) encountered during the work
TCV: Ready for 100 views ingestion, local installation tested (also from ITER)
WEST: Still no progress on the certificate issue and external access tests still pending (?), UDA server with 1275 shots from the C7 Campaigns has been promoted and is now ingestion ready,.
COMPASS: Internal discussions and pripritisation now done and a request for 0.7PPM in suport has been sent to Denis (?) in suppor tfo Scenario A, B and imasification of machine data.
MAST/MAST-U: MAST shots are being made avaialble through CCFE general activity, adaptation to DMP work for EUROfusion discharges?
JDC: No clear mandate for the people involved to start work. Ongoing discussion with the RO at JDC and EUROfusion. --> Take request to JD3C for decison.
A DMP wiki page has been created and we should start using this for documentation / infomration as well.
Intention is to keep a table of the progress in access/ingest/100 views test protocol as well as generic nformation on the project.
General update during previous week.
wrt database tests, the results can be found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/17i3mOXCE4gRZsmLVzNSWAKAlCXnGIzONfFYMVxMOOeE/edit