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Remote participation:
See the tab Actions from WIMAS-2 Meetings in:
Alexei: The question on how to handle non-quasi-neutral sources in a transport solver is a non-trivial problem that require more careful investigations.
Dave/Thomas: This is not a top priority this year.
Alexei had a question on the conservation properties of the weak formulation. Anna will try to formulate an answer (this was formulated as an action 2 weeks ago).
Pär had comments on how to factorise the transport equations to avoid singularities. The equations in the ETS are already factorised.
Dave commented that we may consider evaluating the advection term using the previous iteration instead of the previous time-step.
Question: Could we make use of lessons learned from JINTRAC and ASTRA?
Answer: We seems to have fairly good understanding of how it's been implemented in JINTRAC. Dave also has a report on this. The strategy forward is to test our envisaged solution in ETS-5 and contact the JINTRAC team if needed.
Rui: The solution using a neural network problem cannot be used with pellets.
Dave: It is now important to follow up on Dmitriy's presentation.
All critical people needed for the WIMAS-2 Sprint 18-19 May 2020 are available. As it's a short sprint we'll focus on WIMAS-2.
Everyone should start preparing for 2020 and their answer to the TSVV call.