WPSA Progress Meeting: Code Management

in Zoom Meeting https://istp-cnr-it.zoom.us/j/84031380025

in Zoom Meeting https://istp-cnr-it.zoom.us/j/84031380025

Carlo Sozzi (ENEA ISTP-CNR Milano), Gloria Falchetto (CEA)

14:00 – 15:15 CEST, Cryo & magnets modelling S Nicollet  (+LeCoz) + F Bonne 10’  each , Discharge simulator development E Joffrin + M Mattei  10’ each, Breakdown Simulator D Ricci 10’

15:30 – 17:30 CEST, 2024 Assessment of SOL and divertor plasma conditions in JT-60SA with W wall in high performance scenarios L Balbinot, Rubino, Galazka 10’; Upgraded Energetic Particle workflow and embedded transport models benchmarked on JT-60SA specific scenario Ph Lauber 10’,  Workflows for model-based Error Field correction L Pigatto 10’, Provide a training on the MHD stability workflow R Coelho 10’, FILD synthetic diagnostics  – Collimator optimization Javier Gonzalez-Martin  10’

