*** Indico will be down for maintenance on Fri 8th Nov 7:00-9:00 CET (German Timezone) ***

19–22 Nov 2024
In persion / ZOOM
Europe/Berlin timezone


Summary talks and discussions

22 Nov 2024, 10:00
DIFFER (In persion / ZOOM )


In persion / ZOOM

ZOOM Address https://fz-juelich-de.zoom.us/j/9668661218?pwd=WnMydTR6d2t0Wi8xY0lzRmtYd25SQT09 Meeting ID: 966 866 1218 Passcode: 880409


For each line of the code camp should be a summary and a proposed list of action points to be proposed and agreed during the discussion

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...