*** Indico will be down for maintenance on Fri 8th Nov 7:00-9:00 CET (German Timezone) ***


DIFFER (In persion / ZOOM )


In persion / ZOOM

ZOOM Address https://fz-juelich-de.zoom.us/j/9668661218?pwd=WnMydTR6d2t0Wi8xY0lzRmtYd25SQT09 Meeting ID: 966 866 1218 Passcode: 880409
Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ), Egbert Westerhof (DIFFER)
    • Arrival, getting started, bilateral talks, etc.
    • 12:45
    • 1
      FORMAL START. Greetings, agenda approval, misc.
    • EIRENE status

      Taking decisions on main code brances (which are to be followed, which are to be used for e.g. parallelisation or certain validation cases) and upcomming master release.

      Conveners: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ), Yannick Marandet (CEA)
      • 2
        EIRENE status and infrustucture: MsV, EPL, DCoC etc

        10-10 min talk + questions/discussion

        Speaker: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ)
      • 3
        EIRENE CRMs: ModCR, COLRAD and PLOUTOS development


        Speakers: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ), Ray Chandra (Aalto University)
      • 4
        Speaker: Wouter Dekeyser (KU Leuven)
      • 5
        EIRON Status
        Speaker: Oskar Lappi (VTT)
      • 15:50
        Break (20 min)
    • Grouping of variables into structures (IMAS): A1

      (Including in a view of IMAS)

      Convener: Dmitriy Yadykin (ACH IM)
      • 6
        EIRENE IMASification status
        Speakers: Dmitriy Yadykin (Chalmers), Piotr Chmielewski (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
    • Streamlining the main loop: D1
      Convener: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ)
      • 7
        Ideas behind the ModCR


        Speaker: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ)
    • 10:40
      Coffee break
    • Relations with TSVV3: Can EIRENE be utilised with turbulence?..: A2

      Yanick, Xavier, Derek, Dmitriy B.

      Conveners: Patrick Tamain (CEA), Yannick Marandet (CEA)
    • TSVV3, Interfaces of EIRENE, turbulence
      Convener: Derek Harting (FZJ)
    • 12:30
    • 8
      Discussion/report/feedback on the coding advancement
      Speaker: ALL
    • 14:40
      Coffee break
    • Relations with TSVV-7: PSI, DEMO cases, W: C2
      • 9
        ERO status, simulation cases and links with EIRENE (25+15min)


        Speaker: Juri Romazanov (FZJ)
      • 10
        Surface data, PSI modelling


        Speaker: Dmitry Matveev (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
    • Parallel:????: C-P2
      Convener: To be determined...
    • TSVV3, Interfaces of EIRENE, turbulence: A2
      Convener: Yannick Marandet (CEA)
      • 11
    • Domain decomposion: A3
      Conveners: Oskar Lappi (VTT), Yannick Marandet (CEA)
    • 10:50
      Coffee break
    • EIRENE and ITER: A2
      Convener: Yannick Marandet (CEA)
      • 12
        Speaker: Xavier Bonnin (ITER)
      • 13

        25+20 min

        Speaker: Oskar Lappi (VTT)
    • 13:00
    • 14
      Discussion/report/feedback on the coding advancement
      Speaker: ALL
    • 15
      SimDB: new FZJ data server
    • 16
      < Empty for now >

      Machine description, AMNS and other data concepts

    • 16:20
      Coffee break
    • EIRENE Environment, Leftovers of all kind
      Convener: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ)
    • 19:30
      Conference Dinner
    • 17
      Discussion/report/feedback on the coding advancement
      Speaker: ALL
    • Summary talks and discussions

      For each line of the code camp should be a summary and a proposed list of action points to be proposed and agreed during the discussion

      • 18
        Topic A: Code performance, refinement and interfaces

        Code streamlining and refinement, IMASification and data structures

        Speaker: Yannick Marandet (CEA)
      • 19
        Topic B: Simulation cases and links with other TSVVs
        • Reference cases for all implemented features - with charactestic parameters, linkes with the documentation etc.
        • CI cases (but they are often optimised for speed, so, may be "CI-related" cases)
        • Challenge cases (case their we come to the limits of our performance, memory, etc.)
        • Reference cases for key publications
      • 20
        Topic C: Hybridisation, AD, UQ
        Speaker: Wouter Dekeyser (KU Leuven)
      • 21
        Topic D: CRMs and A&M data
        Speaker: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ)
    • 22
      Free discussion, AOB topics
    • 12:30
    • Wrap-up and future plans
    • 23
      Fixing the meeting points and adjorn
      Speaker: Dmitriy Borodin (FZJ)