WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting



Thomas Jonsson

WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting are technical meetings to plan and coordinate the development of the ETS-6 workflow.


Remote participation:



Action from previous meetings

  • Jorge and Dave clarified the meaning of Hyper-diffusion.
  • Alexei added a reference to the Perevezev-Corrigan paper on numerical schemes for stiff transport:
  • Progress has been made on testing flux expansion in the ETS-6 (by Jorge).
  • Recent developments in the develop branch are now included in the branch IPramp

Active branches

The content of the flux-field in core_transport was discussed and it was agreed that this should include the actual flux when the equations are solved and the sources and intertia when the equations are not solved.


  • Thomas: Make sure the flux from the transport solver is implemented as agreed in the discussion above.

Planning the verification on ITER Scenarios

No-one objected and had any comments on the plan presented by Nathan. Therefore we will go ahead and implement them.

There are a large number of ASTRA cases in the ITER Scenario Database, we could use any of them. However, we should be aware that they are now working on improving the internal data-consistency in all of these shot.

Proposed tests:

  • Add test suite for checking the internal consistency
  • Note that there is already such a suite (developed or used (?) by ITER Expert Group). The latest person to use it was Colin Roach.


  • Thomas: Implement IDS consistency checking for ETS-6, to be used to analyse ETS-6 input and output.

Any other business


If anyone sees a warning from runaway-indicator, please let me know! They are now hunting run-away cases.


  • Testing the AL using data from est6
  • ETS-6 generates typically IDSs with 5 slices
  • They take 300-400 ms to read per IDS
  • But distribution_sources 10 times longer!
  • We need a way to avoid reading large IDSs when starting a workflow, using IDSs from ETS-6
  • Options:
    • Do not store distribution_sources, waves... - add option to not store them
    • Remove them afterwards with a script
    • Do not read them in UALInit; need a discussion on what IDSs to store.


  • WIMAS-2 team: Decide on which IDS to read with UALInit in the ETS-6 workflow.
  • Thomas: Implement decision on which IDS to read with UALInit in the ETS-6 workflow.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Actions from last meeting


      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson
    • 2
      Active branches

      Here we will go through and discuss the ongoing developments on different branches in the ets-core repository.

      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson

      New branches

      • multipleStates - Enable ets-init to run without multiple-states-flag is set
      • flux - fix the units of the heat and particle flux in core_transport from the transport_solver.

      Merged branches

      • rotationBC - Add missing boundary condition in rotation equation; caused WF not to converge when input rotation was finite.
      • errorHandlingAcceptableValues - add error handling in case unacceptable values are found at the edge.

      Old branches

      • IPramp - Progress during WIMAS-2 Sprint
      • revise_impurity - Progress during WIMAS-2 Sprint
    • 3
      Planning the verification on ITER scenarios

      Verification on ITER scenario is a deliverable for 2020. This presentation, and the following discussions, aim to help us decide on the pulse files to use for the verification and the types of tests that we should perform.

      Speaker: Cummings Nathan (CCFE)
    • 4
      Summary of WIMAS Sprint Working Session 18-19 May
    • 5
      Any other business