WPCD Summer Code Camp ("DIFFER")

https://chalmers.zoom.us/j/65529293386 (Virtual)



David Coster (MPG), Michele Romanelli (European Task Force on Integrated Tokamak Modelling), Pär Strand, Rui Coelho (IPFN-IST)

WPCD aims during 2020 are the finalization of ETS-6 (IMAS version of ETS), the support to the exploitation of the released workflows in various tokamaks inside and outside EUROfusion and the development of new models/workflows. 


 During the two weeks code-camp, advancements in all the aspects of WPCD activities are expected to take place along with discussions and cross dissemination.

Registration form
  • Albert Gutierrez
  • Anders Nielsen
  • Andreas Gillgren
  • Bartek Palak
  • blaise faugeras
  • Cédric Boulbe
  • Daniel Dumitru
  • David Coster
  • David Tskhakaya
  • Dejan Penko
  • Denis Kalupin
  • Dirk Van Eester
  • Dmitriy Yadkin
  • Egor Suchkov
  • Erik Andersson-Sunden
  • Ernesto Lerche
  • Frida Eriksson
  • Gergo Pokol
  • Giovanni Tardini
  • Jorge Ferreira
  • Karel van de Plassche
  • Laurent Jung
  • Leon Kos
  • Markus Weiland
  • Martin O'Mullane
  • Mervi Mantsinen
  • Michal Poradzinski
  • Mike Dunne
  • Minseo Park
  • Nathan Cummings
  • Olivier Sauter
  • Ors Asztalos
  • Philippe Huynh
  • Pär Strand
  • Rui Coelho
  • Sangjin Park
  • Seppo Sipilä
  • Silvana Nowak
  • Soma Olasz
  • Stephen Dixon
  • Sterling Smith
  • Thomas Johnson
  • Tim Slendebroek
  • Wolfgang Zwingmann