Remote participation:
by Nathan Cummings and Thomas Jonsson
Tj Describe details of merged branches on indico
No comments or questions
TJ presented slides
AP asked is pressure including thermal
MP asked for clarifications on which things are calculated by ETS
TJ asked about dealing flux-based boundary conditions for impurities with multiple charge states
Discussion on how to deal with boundary conditions for charge states
NEOWES testing needs addressing
DC suggested that we promote runs to the public database
DECISION - agreed. Process is to write a short description and sent to Pär. TJ, should discuss further at tech-dev this afternoon with EWE.
40: PENN code testing beginning this week; IMAS version is expected to be available next week.
49: fixed and working
Further actions already added before the meeting, all assigned to TJ
DY - Asked about impurity update.
Discussion on Z-effective:
DECISION - Open JIRA tracker to have the IDS definition amended - Pär to write tracker
Discuss sprint for ITER scenarios over Slack
TJ=Thomas Jonsson, DC=David Coster, AP=Alexei Polevoi, DY=Dmitriy Yadykin, PS=Pär Strand, MP=Michał Poradziński