1st FSD-PB-PWI&E 2021

    • 14:00 14:30
      Convener: Tony Donne (EUROfusion Programme Manager)
      • 14:00
        Welcome to the PWI&E Project Board meeting 10m
        Speaker: Tony Donne (EUROfusion Programme Manager)

        T. Donné introduced the agenda noticing that the EnR session shall be much shorter as projects have been already selected and endorsed by the General Assembly. There were no objections to the agenda.

      • 14:10
        Round the table introduction of Members of the Board 10m
        Speaker: All PB attendies

        Chair of the FSD-PB PWI&E:
        Tony Donné (EUROfusion Programme Manager)

        Members of FSD-PB PWI&E:
        Christian Linsmeier (FZJ)
        Eduardo Alves (IST)
        Elzbieta Fortuna-Zalesna (01-WUT)
        Fulvio Militello (UKAEA)
        Mihaela Ionescu-Bujor (KIT)
        Philippe Magaud (CEA)
        Wolfgang Jacob (MPG)
        Thomas Morgan (DIFFER)
        Paolo Innocente (ENEA)
        Primoz Pelicon (JSI)

        EUROfusion PMU:
        Volker Naulin (FSD Head / E-TASC SB Chair)
        Emilia Genangeli (Admin. Head)
        Fabio Vinagre (PMO Head)
        David Douai (FSD CO PWIE)
        Denis Kalupin (FSD CO Theory and Modelling)
        Sara Moradi (FSD CO Tokamak Exploitation)
        Joao Figueiredo (FSD CO Enchancements)

        Invited participants:
        Sebastijan Brezinsek (FZJ / WP PWIE Leader)
        Michael Reinhart (FZJ / WP PWIE PSO)
        Richard Pitts (ITER IO)

      • 14:20
        Project Board’s duties and responsibilities (ToR) 10m
        Speaker: Volker Naulin (FSD Head)

        V. Naulin explained the terms of reference for the Project Board, its duties and responsibilities

    • 14:30 16:00
      Work Package Plasma Wall Interaction and Exhaust
      Convener: Tony Donne (EUROfusion Programme Manager)
      • 14:30
        WP organization & Project Execution Plan (PEP) 40m
        Speaker: Sebastijan Brezinsek (WP PWIE Project Leader)

        Sebastijan Brezinsek presented the overview of WP PWIE activities

        The Project Board members asked to clarify following points:

        • UKAEA representative: high priority projects

        => reflected in grant deliverables / ADC high priority to get soon an answer

        • CEA representative: what is the status of LIBS in JET

        => criticial - no funding avaialble though ITER high priority. SP X2 address LIBS conditions as expected in ITER or JET (~0,95bar) and typical layer conditions

        • CEA representative: how is the link to FTD and other WPs established

        => joint meeting of PL FSD/FTD biweekly, joint meeting of all FSD PL biweekly, SPL in WP WPWIE and SCs in WP TE are linked where appropriate

        • FZJ representative: how is the link of WP PWIE and TSVV and how can the PB PWIE impact on TSVV work

        => Thrusts as link to communicate / no direct impact of this PB /example MAGNUM experiments to study detachment feed into TSVV 5 as benchmark experiment

        => Volker Naulin: No overlapp as TSVV shall develop - no day to day modelling

        • JSI representative: flexibility in the WP PWIE

        => WP PWIE for 2021 and 2022 almost fixed, other years resources indicativ. Changes according priority possible. Closure of TASKS e.g. KIT DIVGAS are foreseen

      • 15:10
        Financial Overview 20m
        Speaker: Emilia Genangeli (EUROfusion Head of Admin)

        Emilia Genangeli presented the financial overview on WP PWIE for 2021 and the indicative budget for 2022-2025.

      • 15:30
        Project Change Requests (PCRs) 20m
        Speaker: Members of the Board

        No change requests have been reoported to the Project Board.

      • 15:50
        Approval of Project Execution Plan 10m
        Speaker: Tony Donne (EUROfusion Programme Manager)

        The Project Board has anonymously approved the Project Execution Plan 2021 for the WP PWI&E

    • 16:00 16:15
      COFFEE BREAK 15m
    • 16:15 16:55
      Work Package Enabling Research: Material Projects
      Convener: Tony Donne (EURfusion Programme Manager)
      • 16:15
        WP organization & Project Execution Plan (PEP)¶ 10m
        Speaker: Denis Kalupin (FSD CO Theory & Modelling)

        Denis Kalupin has presented the overview of EnR projects in the area of Materials:

        • project selection;
        • organisation of activities; and
        • communication platforms.

        PB members asked for clarifying the role of the PB in approval of EnR activities. T. Donné and V. Naulin have clarified that the main responsibility of the PB will be to follow the progress of EnR projects, check and approve necessary revisions to the EnR programme (following the recommendations of SB.EnR-MAT)

        Since EnR projects have already been approved by the General Assembly, the PB agreed as an action to take a note on the project start.

        In order to improove the communication on the ENR progress, PB recommended to have presentations by EnR PIs in EUROfusion Science Meeting or at the FSD Science Meeting.

      • 16:25
        Financial Overview 10m
        Speaker: Emilia Genangeli (EUROfusion Head of Admin)

        Emilia Genangeli presented the financial overview on projects selected for 2021-2024 and the indicative budget for 2024-2025 (exact distribution will be done following the second call for EnR projects in 2023).

      • 16:35
        Project Change Requests (PCRs) 10m
        Speaker: Members of the Board

        No change requests have been reoported to the Project Board.

      • 16:45
        Approval of Project Execution Plan 10m
        Speaker: Tony Donne (EUROfusion Programme Manager)

        The Project Board took a note on the start of 5 ENR projects in the area of Materials

    • 16:55 17:25
      AoB & Closing
      • Project Board Process – Members views on the meeting structure & pre meeting preparations,
      • Next meeting date and time
      Convener: Tony Donne ((EUROfusion Programme Manager))

      T. Donné suggested organising the next Project Board Meeting in fall 2021.

      The Project Board agreed that the 2nd 2021 Fusion Science Department Project Board – Plasma Wall Interactions and Exhaust will take place on 18th of November from 13:00 to 17:00 CET.

      The meeting materials will be available @:
