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Zoom Meeting Details:
Meeting ID: 867 2600 3546
Passcode: 253085
List of Actions from the 2nd PB-Theory
No. |
Resp. Person(s) |
Description |
Status |
A1 |
Denis Kalupin, Frank Jenko |
Action on WPAC to establish and send Instructions to the TSVV PIs on data and code management procedures including location of hosting |
DONE (installation of DevOps and virtual nodes is managed by ACH-IPPLM) |
A2 |
Emilia Genangeli |
PMU Admin shall investigate the possibility to increase the travel funds if possible and propose it to the next PB as change request. |
NOT STARTED (waits for signature of EUROfusion Grant Agreement and the final version of the budget) |
A5 |
Denis Kalupin, Frank Jenko |
PMU & E-TASC SB shall propose the collaborative structure that would involve WPTE and ACH to insure that by 2024 experimental data required by TSVVs are available for all EUROfusion machines. (data mapping and data access tolls) |
IN PROGRESS (partially covered by established Thrust structure, additional discussions are needed within DataBase group, FSD SC on IMAS is scheduled for 12th of April https://indico.euro-fusion.org/event/1893/) |
A8 |
Denis Kalupin Simon Pinches |
FSD CO together with ITER RO to investigate the situation with establishing of new accounts and propose the solution
IN PROGRESS (there is a process of signing agreement between the Commission and the IO) |
A9 |
Denis Kalupin Volker Naulin |
FSD at its general meeting shall discuss the renewal of the GUB with PLs
DONE (the GUB is renewed, chair - Rui Coelho) |
A10 |
Denis Kalupin |
Some TSVV PIs reported a high load of the Gateway cluster. FSD CO must bring this point to the attention of the next operation committee
DONE (The reported case was investigated by the GW manager, it seems that the submitted job requires resources which are difficult to get without set priority. The GUB has adjusted the job priority at the GW) |
Q: The PB asked for additional clarifications on A2, regarding the planning of TSVV mission budget in 2022?
R: It was proposed to discuss the mission budget under AoB.
Actions A1, A9 and A10 were closed.
WP Main Objectives & Summary of Achievements (previous year)
Status of Grant Milestones & Grant Deliverables (previous year)
Risks & Mitigations Register: Current Status
Project Change Requests & Other Items for Decision/Approval by PB
Reporting of 2021 activities, amendments to the Annual Work Plan - 2022
Frank Jenko (E-TASC SB Co-Chair) presented:
Q: How the table summarizing the progress towards the EUROfusion Standard Software shall be interpreted with code names been cut?
R: The original file, which contains all information is available at the E-TASC SB meeting page (https://indico.euro-fusion.org/event/1825/).
Q: The presentation made by F. Jenko did not discuss the details of ACH tasks performed in 2021, when those are planned to be presented to the board?
R: As the 2021 was a “short” year the allocation of tasks to ACHs was done as 2021-2022 package. Therefore the detailed report can be given closer to the end of this initial period. It was proposed to present the detailed status per ACH at the following, 4th FSD Theory Project Board.
Q: How the fairness on distribution of ACH resources can be guaranteed, would it be possible for the board to get access to the statistic per TSVV, per ACH and per Code?
R: The E-TASC Scientific Board tries to be as transparent as possible in the process of ACH task allocation. The selection process involves PIs of TSVVs and ACHs and open discussions at the E-TASC SB meetings. Nonetheless it is important to remind TSVV PIs on the overall limits on the ACH support that can be given to their projects and also that TSVVs shall be responsible on prioritization of tasks within these limits.
A11: Detailed effective distribution of the ACH support:
shall be presented to the Project Board regularly, starting from its autumn meeting.
WPAC Project Change Requests (PCRs)
CR3: Corrections to ACH-CIEMAT tasks to be carried in 2022.
The assessment of support tasks requested for BLUEMIRA code (TSVV-14) have indicated the mismatch between the task nature and the ACH profile.
Correction measures:
The request was recommended by the E-TASC SB at its meeting on 03.March.2021.
The Project Board approved CR3.
Status of HPC, Gateway and Jet Data Centre
R. Kamendje presented the status of HPC, Gateway & JDC
Q: Was the under-usage of A3 partition communicated to TSVVs?
R: The usage of A3 partition
Q: How does the JDC handle the machine configuration data?
R: The main idea of JDC is to archive the data as they were available up to now, there are no plans to improve or to extend the information. If there are demands by the community on provided information or its representation, it must be discussed at the dedicated meeting.
WP Main Objectives & Summary of Achievements (previous year)
Status of Grant Milestones & Grant Deliverables (previous year)
Risks & Mitigations Register: Current Status
Project Change Requests & Other Items for Decision/Approval by PB
WPENR (IFE & MOD projects) Annual Work Plan
D. Kalupin presented the status of ENR activities in 2021.
Taking in account the late start of projects in 2021 the work done related to:
The board noted the EnR progress in 2021.
Financial Overview WPAC and WPENR
E. Genangeli presented the financial summary and budget revisions:
The board noted the budget developments.
Next meeting date and time
Discussions of the TSVV travel budget 2022
The board has discussed the distribution of funds available to TSVVs in 2022 to cover the travel of participants. The overall budget foreseen for 2022 (all TSVVs) is 20 k€. This might be sufficient to finance 1-2 person per TSVV or 2-3 meetings of larger (<10 person) scale.
There is no clear conclusion by the board which approach might be better to support TSVV programme. It was agreed that PMU will take further actions to clarify the travel needs by TSVVs in 2022.
A12: Collect TSVV mission planning 2022 indicating to PIs that available budget would allow to cover mission costs per TSVV < 2k€.
All TSVV requests within this limit can be endorsed.
If some TSVVs would indicate that they don’t plan to use travel budget in 2022, PMU together with the E-TASC SB can decide on how to enhance the travel budget of the remaining TSVVs.
This action shall be resolved in March 2022 as there are already requests by TSVV on missions in April 2022.
Next meeting
The next, 4th PB-Theory meeting will be organized on 24th of October 2022, at 15:00-17:00 CET.
(calendar invite was sent to PB members, the meeting page: https://indico.euro-fusion.org/event/1935/)