FSD Science meeting - 3D effects


The main goal of the meeting is to bring together relevant information from different WPs and discuss ITER and DEMO needs on 3D physics, with particular emphasis on modelling tools.


Zoom Meeting Details

Meeting ID: 811 6960 1258

Passcode: 494175



Important topics (as indicated by ITER and DEMO):

Impact of 3-D fields (for ELM control):

  • Power and particle fluxes to plasma facing components (experiments and modelling with emphasis on high power fluxes/high divertor radiation)
  • Edge transport (Thermal, particle, impurity and rotation, via NTV, that may be tailored by tailoring the off-resonant components)
  • Fast particle losses and associated power fluxes to plasma facing components

Optimization of 3-D fields:

  • Error field correction
  • Simultaneous ELM and RWM control

Use of 3-D coils to rotate locked modes in front of the ECCD launcher(s)

Reconstruction of 3-D equilibria

MHD stability of 3-D equilibria


Not possible to cover all in a single meeting. Follow up event will be organised.

The meeting was focused on 3D physics, with particular emphasis on modelling tools. Four presentations were discussing the current status, validation and application of numerical tools (GBS, BEAMS3D, VENUS-LEVIS, ASCOT, JOREK and SPEC). One presentation was focused on engineering aspects of RMP coils for DEMO.

Over decades a number of codes have been developed by the community. Whereas some codes were originally planned for tokamak physics (2D) and others for the stellarator (3D), with time more and more overlap occurs in the physics covered by them.


  • Codes share same V&V cases, when stellarator codes are applied to tokamak cases and the tokamak one (by integrating 3D effects) to stellarator.
  • Establish a simple code catalog, where the code validity (physics) and applicability ranges can be indicated.
  • Standardization of V&V exercises shall be promoted.
  • Easy data exchange through the standardized data structures between such codes was brought for discussion. Most obvious approach to this problem would be the use of the IMAS.
  • Currently IMAS data dictionary does not allow for 3D equilibria. The required extension needs to be discussed (FSD SC meeting on IMAS)
  • Another important aspect is the consequence of 3D perturbation to the engineering design of DEMO. Do 3D effects eventually reduce needed assembly accuracy?
  • Further studies on the penetration of the perturbation and its effect on the turbulent transport will be needed.
  • Modelling tools often consider only a limited number of 3D effects )on particle orbits, on equilibria, on mode stability, etc) an integrated way to address these including effects on profiles (particle pump out) is still missing.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:25
      Impact of 3-D fields (for ELM control): Edge transport (Thermal, particle, impurity and rotation, via NTV, that may be tailored by tailoring the off-resonant components)
      • 10:00
        Global fluid simulations of plasma turbulence in diverted stellarators 15m
        Speaker: Antonio Coelho
      • 10:15
        Questions, Remarks, Discussions 10m
    • 10:25 11:10
      Impact of 3-D fields (for ELM control): Fast particle losses and associated power fluxes to plasma facing components
      • 10:25
        Modeling fast particle losses in three dimensional equilibrium 15m
        Speaker: Dr Samuel Lazerson (IPP-Greifswald)
      • 10:55
        Questions, Remarks, Discussions 15m
    • 11:10 11:35
      Optimization of 3-D fields
      • 11:10
        Strategy to cope with 3-D field effects on DEMO 15m
        Speaker: Hartmut Zohm (EUROfusion)
      • 11:25
        Questions, Remarks, Discussions 10m
    • 11:35 12:05
      MHD stability of 3-D equilibria
      • 11:35
        Computation of 3D MHD equilibrium and stability with the SPEC code 15m
        Speaker: Joaquim Loizu (EPFL)
      • 11:50
        Questions, Remarks, Discussions 10m