Bi-weekly progress meeting: task 4 (code optimization)


    • 14:00 14:15
      Project news and updates 15m
      Speaker: Patrick Tamain (CEA)
    • 14:15 14:45
      Round-table review of progress, difficulties... 30m

      Each contributor makes a flash report (typ. 2mn, with 1 slide if necessary) about what they have been working on since the last meeting, any progress or difficulty

      Speaker: All
    • 14:45 15:15
      SOLEDGE3X, recent advances in the HPC implementation 30m
      Speaker: Mathieu Peybernes
    • 15:15 15:45
      GRILLIX, recent advances in the HPC implementation 30m
      Speaker: Nicola Varini
    • 15:45 16:15
      GBS, recent advances in the HPC implementation 30m
      Speaker: Nicola Varini