*** Indico will be down for maintenance on Fri 8th Nov 7:00-9:00 CET (German Timezone) ***

ENR ATEP Progress meeting



https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/66123338291?pwd=VUVOOFdUUVlGSkh4ZUpSS3g1S2c0Zz09 Meeting ID: 661 2333 8291 Passcode: 721480


    • 14:00 16:30
      ENR ATEP Progress Meeting
      • 14:00
        Introduction 10m
        Speaker: Philipp Lauber (IPP)
      • 14:10
        ATEP 3D -a neoclassical solver for the transport equations of phase space zonal structures 30m
        Speaker: Dr Guo Meng (MPG/IPP)
      • 14:40
        Constants of motion and non-linear dynamics 30m
        Speaker: Fulvio Zonca (ENEA)
      • 15:10
        Updates regarding the WP 3.1 20m
        Speaker: Dr Nakia Carlevaro (ENEA)
      • 15:30
        ATEP: recent developments 25m
        Speaker: Philipp Lauber (IPP)
      • 15:55
        updates on other WPs 30m
        Speaker: Philipp Lauber (IPP)