2nd TSVV10-TSVV11 meeting


Meeting ID: 813 9330 0003
Passcode: 184249

A follow-up of our 1st joined TSVV10-TSVV11 meeting see slides and summary here https://indico.euro-fusion.org/event/2751/



-          Linear scans in ORB5 started by Thomas, using the reference case of Mishchenko’s 2022 paper: R/a=10, Tf/Te=10, grad(Tf) as grad(Te) in present cases, me/mi=1/200 etc. When increasing beta the low n modes become more unstable and are more localized on rational surfaces. At low beta, the EP are stabilizing whether one used 1% or 10%. This exploration will be continued, with flat Tf profiles, higher Tf energy etc. Maybe also reducing R/a?

-          In electrostatic linear ORB5 simulation the resonance stabilization increasing for higher EP energy shown in GENE is recovered (A. Biancalani).

-          The PSZS diagnostic in ORB5 (nonlinear for EP) shown by Thomas produces very similar picture as LIGKA/HAGIS for the ITER case, w/o fusion, half-field and current NBI heated only. This successful benchmark gives hope towards model reduction validity.

-          A. Di Siena shared update on JET 50/50 DT Pfus>10MW 99912 case with GENE-TANGO, where the predicted Te, Ti and Ne profiles agree well with experiments. In JET only 0.15% of alpha particles, so same predictions with or w/o. Increasing to 1.5% in JET cases, with inconsistent background profiles leads to very high fluxes due to alpha-drive AE. For ITER Q=10 case the simulations are on-going w/o alpha for now. JET case using standard reduced models such as QuaLiKiz or TGLFsat2 could be compared to GENE-TANGO.

-          Tearing modes GENE vs ORB5 show good agreement using non-Maxwellian distribution functions https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.16345.pdf

-          GENE Maxwellian vs ORB5 shifted Maxwellian scan in EP concentration on case where fishbone expected, need further investigation incl. eigenfunction and nonlinear behavior (shirping or not) to distinguish btw BAE and EPM.

-          On integrated modelling using reduced models, a Q=10 ITER starts to be investigated by Philipp with ATEP and is compared to a previous modelling of ASTRA. The ramp up and down phases are particularly critical. More synergy with recent modelling of such phases with JINTRAC could be planned. The EP info is not provided in IDS at this stage, jira ticket open… Also the interplay with ad-hoc turbulence stabilization (Clarisse’s slides not shown due to lack of time) will start and can then be compared to GENE-TANGO ITER case…


Next meeting: 29.01.2024 13:00 CET

Possible agenda:

-          ORB5 linear investigations, update Thomas and Alessandro Biancalani

-          GENE/ORB5 fishbone case benchmark incl. eigenfunctions and nonlinear state

-          GENE-TANGO update on JE and ITER cases

-          Integrated modelling progresses, Philipp/Clarisse

-          Suggestion for higher fidelity code exploration to guide reduced models, Clarisse