3rd joined TSVV10-TSVV11 meeting: high beta, low s modelling challenge


Thursday, April 11th from 2.30 to 5 pm (CET hence 1.30 pm in the UK).

The discussion will focus on high beta, low s modelling challenge (even in absence of EP).

·       1st part, context:

o   DEMO/ITER scenario: DEMO hybrid hence low s and high beta, ITER Q=10 after ST relaxation also low s and high beta. Vicinity of KBM onset, is it a challenge for model as TGLF? (Clarisse Bourdelle 5 min)

o   ITER Q=10, GENE-TANGO, KBM on-set challenge (Alessandro Di Siena 5 min)

·       2nd part, way forward:

o   non-linear vs quasilinear gyrokinetic GKW modelling of high beta, low s cases (Yann Camenen 10 min)

o   TGLFsat2 vs GKW non-linear for high beta, low s (Anass Najlaoui 10 min)

o   Nonlinear saturation of KBM instabilities (Fulvio Zonca 10 min)

o   ORB5 simulations in the KBM regime (Alexey Mischenko 10 min)


Zoom link


Meeting ID: 813 9330 0003
Passcode: 184249


Past joined TSVV10-TSVV11 meetings slides/notes are available here.

    • 2:30 PM 2:50 PM
      DEMO/ITER scenario: DEMO hybrid hence low s and high beta, ITER Q=10 after ST relaxation also low s and high beta. Vicinity of KBM onset, is it a challenge for model as TGLF? 20m
      Speaker: Clarisse Bourdelle (CEA)
    • 2:50 PM 3:10 PM
      ITER Q=10, GENE-TANGO, KBM on-set challenge 20m
      Speaker: Alessandro Di Siena (MPG)
    • 3:10 PM 3:30 PM
      Non-linear vs quasilinear gyrokinetic GKW modelling of high beta, low s cases 20m
      Speaker: Yann Camenen (CNRS)
    • 3:30 PM 3:50 PM
      TGLFsat2 vs GKW non-linear for high beta, low s 20m
      Speakers: Anass Najlaoui, Clarisse Bourdelle (CEA), Yann Camenen (CNRS)
    • 3:50 PM 4:10 PM
      Nonlinear saturation of KBM instabilities 20m
      Speaker: Fulvio Zonca (ENEA)
    • 4:10 PM 4:30 PM
      ORB5 simulations in the KBM regime 20m
      Speaker: Oleksiy Mishchenko (IPP)