Minutes from WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting, 6 May 2020
Actions from last meeting
Unfinished actions from 22 April 2020:
- Thomas: Complete integration pinchVelocity, pinchVelocityComments and transport_combiner.
- Thomas: Schedule a presentation and discussion on the current equation; do we want solve for psi, psi', q...?
- Thomas: Schedule a presentation and discussion on the momentum equation.
- Anna: In the new formulation (of FEM solver), clarify how the weak form satisfies conservation properties?
Note: In IMAS-3039 it was decided to use the JINTRACK/TCI convention for the pinch velocity (see minutes from 22 April 2020).
Unfinished actions from 29 April 2020:
- Thomas: Implement the proposed solution with modifications for how to handle unacceptably small values.
- Jorge: Formulate a proposal for how to add source terms to compensate for removing negative temperatures, and by this improve the convergence.
- Jorge: Create test case for testing expansion, compression and layering (both adding and removing layers).
- Thomas: Create a time-plan for each unfinished actions.
FoPla actor for IC-NBI synergy
- Alexei/Thomas: We should be careful with how to handle quasi-neutrality from thermal sources. During NBI heating electron and ion sources appear in different locations (as they are separated during the thermalisation procedure). The return current need to provide quasi-neutrality is transiently generated by polarisation current and in steady state through transport processes. An important consequence is that the return current produces a torque on the thermal plasma.
- Thomas: Proposed that NBI sources should be quasi-neutral and the return current should be provided as a JxB torque.
- Thomas: Check that sources should be quasi neutral
- Ernesto: Write documentation on how to use FoPla together with ASCOT, including instructions for how to use the code parameters.
WIMAS-2 - Status, plans and priorities
The presentation was delayed due to lack of time.
Any other business
David proposed a two day WIMAS2-4 Sprint session next week:
Two days sprint sessions during each weeks starting from 11th of May (WIMAS-2/3/4). First day clarify by organiser what the goals are on each of the activities / thrusts (mid morning check-point) . Catch-up at three on afternoon check-point. WIMAS-2 has meeting at 10am on Wednesday (sprint working session Tuesday 12 – Wednesday 13). Test this concept. Sprint working session organised by the area coordinators.
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