TSVV1 Progress Workshop 2024

L5 building, seminar room 315 (top floor) (hybrid)

L5 building, seminar room 315 (top floor)


IPP Garching, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching
Tobias Görler (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)

This meeting is (mainly) targeting the members of the TSVV1 on L-/H-transition and pedestal physics. It shall establish, facilitate, and motivate collaborations, serve as a platform for assessing the project performance and for future planning as well as discussing the current state-of-the-art, preparing for the mid-term review and enabling project monitoring. As encouraged at the latest E-TASC thrust meeting, a list of EUROfusion researchers working on gyrokinetic edge/pedestal studies has been contacted as well for mutual exchange.