The JT-60SA tokamak
JT-60SA is the largest tokamak in operation, designed and built jointly by Japan and Europe. When fully commissioned and equipped with high-power heating systems, JT-60SA will produce long-pulse, high-beta and highly shaped plasmas. The JT-60SA machine, laboratories, experimental programme and its associated modelling activity can be an ideal playground for the training of Japanese and European students and young professionals to foster the new generations of fusion physicists and engineers.
JIFS Objectives
The JT-60SA International Fusion School (JIFS) addresses the main aspects of fusion research, from plasma physics to engineering, with special attention to their combination into tokamak operation. Professional success in fusion research is often not only based on excellence in specific subjects (plasma theory, computing, experiments, diagnostics, engineering etc.), but also on a broad basis of knowledge allowing contributions to both scientific exploitation and realization of fusion experiments.
The JIFS school aims to prepare the next generation of fusion physicists and engineers from Japan and Europe (under the EURATOM fusion programme), focusing on:
- Supplementing their training by lectures, group works and visits, taking advantage of the JT-60SA facility, environment, experiences and data for practical examples and applications.
- Establishing and consolidating connections between Japanese and European students and young professionals, who could ideally be involved together in the future JT-60SA and ITER operation, scientific exploitation and upgrades.
Participating institutions
The JT-60SA school is jointly funded and organised by QST (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan) and the EUROfusion Consortium, with the participation of lecturers and advisors from a number of Japanese and European universities and research institutes. The school is supported by Fusion for Energy under the auspices of the Broader Approach agreement between Japan and Europe for fusion energy research.
The JT-60SA school takes place every year at the QST Naka-site. The School attendance is limited to 20 students (10 from Japan and 10 from Europe), whose participation will be funded by QST and EUROfusion. The 2-week programme will include lectures, visits (e.g. torus hall, plant systems, control room and laboratories) and practical exercises (using experimental facilities in the JT-60SA laboratories, JT-60SA data, analysis and computational tools). The school also aims to provide a permanent background of online information and alumni network, as well as means to prepare and continue exchanges among students and between students and lecturers. Note that the number of lecturers will be comparable to that of students.
Following the JT-60SA school, Japanese students will also have an opportunity to visit the tokamak facilities in Japan and Europe. Details and potential participation of European students in the tour of tokamak facilities will be provided at a later date.
The lectures will be recorded and made available on the school's SharePoint site after the end of the school, with the lecturers' permission. Slides will also be available.
Shunsuke Ide (QST) and Ambrogio Fasoli (EUROfusion)
Scientific Secretaries:
Seiya Nishimura (QST) and Eva Belonohy (EUROfusion)
School Advisory Board:
Prof. | Takaaki Fujita | Nagoya University |
Prof. | Kazuaki Hanada | Kyushu University |
Prof. | Akihiro Ishizawa | Kyoto University |
Prof. | Satoru Sakakibara | NIFS – National Institute for Fusion Science |
Prof. | Mizuki Sakamoto | University of Tsukuba |
Prof. | Kouji Shinohara | The University of Tokyo |
Dr. | Takahiro Suzuki | QST – National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology |
Dr. | Tommaso Bolzonella | Consorzio RFX (Italy) |
Dr. | Emmanuel Joffrin | CEA (France) |
Dr. | Athina Kappatou | Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany) |
Dr. | Carlo Sozzi | ISTP CNR (Italy) |
Dr. | Valerio Tomarchio | Fusion for Energy (Germany) |
Dr. | Gianmaria De Tommasi | University of Napoli Federico II & Consorzio CREATE (Italy) |
Dr. | Eleonora Viezzer | University of Seville (Spain) |
Dr. | Marco Wischmeier | Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany) |
JIFS Charter:
Detailed description of the JIFS structure and organisation is found in the JIFS Charter: