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Remote participation:
The dressed-Kepler RC has been updated - a big thanks to Dmitriy!
Module name: kepler/2.5p5-3.1.1_dressed_3.28.1
A few minor fixes to the ets_core/develop:
New branch "bulk_rotation" ready to be merged - to be discussion later today.
ACTION: Create a webpage with recommended pulses and inform Bruce.
Comments on testing solvers:
Bruce (roughly):
ACTION: Check the present proposal for the ets-init interface, making sure the options covered a suitable.
Alexei: As mentioned during the previous meeting, the poloidal rotation is sometimes not neo-classical.
Alexei: In ASTRA we can solve the equilibrium and current equation in the same solver. Can this be done in the ETS-6?
Nathan: How to handle core_sources from JINTRAC, where the power to each ion is missing; only the total ion power source in give.
Solution (suggested by David; everyone seemed to agree):
Let's create two options:
1. Split the power proportional to the species included.
2. Give all power to a single species; let the user select which species to assign the power to.
ACTION: Nathan should add these options in ids2cpo
ACTION: Thomas should add these options to the database_core_sources.