WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting



Thomas Jonsson

WIMAS-2 Weekly Meeting are technical meetings to plan and coordinate the development of the ETS-6 workflow.


Remote participation:


    • 10:00 10:10
      Actions from last meeting 10m


      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson
    • 10:10 10:20
      ETS-6 News 10m
      Speaker: Thomas Jonsson

      ETS-6 News

      The dressed-Kepler RC has been updated - a big thanks to Dmitriy!
      Module name: kepler/2.5p5-3.1.1_dressed_3.28.1

      A few minor fixes to the ets_core/develop:

      • grid_flux was allocated, but never filled.
      • Fix in e_par when sigma=0.

      New branch "bulk_rotation" ready to be merged - to be discussion later today.

      ACTION: Create a webpage with recommended pulses and inform Bruce.


      1. Bruce will test NEOWES on cases from Dmitriy. 
      2. When Bruce is done testing NEOWES, Pär will test it in the transport workflow. 
      3. When Pär is done testing Thomas will import a new transport workflow into the ETS-6.
    • 10:20 10:35
      Testing solvers in the ETS-6 15m
      Speaker: Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))

      Comments on testing solvers:

      • Pär: It's important that we do testing with Method of Manufactured Solutions - Anna knows how to do these tests.
      • Alexei: Solvers should be tested with simple clean tests, including tests without any sources. We need to be able to run with sources and transport coefficients that does not depend on the temperature. 
        • ACTION: Make sure that the Ohmic power is included in the transport solver.  
        • ACTION: We need to turn off equipartition and Ohmic power in the solver.
        • ACTION: Add Ohmic power and equipartition in the output core_sources.
      • Jorge (was saying roughly): Careful in drawing conclusions about the accuracy of the FEM and Progonka-4 solvers.
      • Dave: The present tests mix diffusion and convection - we should separate the result of convection and diffusion.
    • 10:35 10:50
      Handling rotation and other topics in the ETS-6 15m
      Speaker: Thomas Johnson (Fusion Plasma Physics (KTH/VR))

      Bruce (roughly):

      • Causality is important; given by gyro-kinetics.
      • Diamagnetic flows are created on cyclotron time scales.
      • Toroidal momentum evolves on transport time scales.
      • The book by Helander and Sigmar is a good reference describing the flows.

      ACTION: Check the present proposal for the ets-init interface, making sure the options covered a suitable.

      Alexei: As mentioned during the previous meeting, the poloidal rotation is sometimes not neo-classical.

      • Thomas: Indeed this could be important, but should would require a more advanced model. If this model is added, we'll add this option.
      • Bruce/Pär: In brief; this would require many changes.

      Alexei: In ASTRA we can solve the equilibrium and current equation in the same solver. Can this be done in the ETS-6?

      • Dave: We don’t have such a solver, but the design does not prevent us from adding such a model to the ETS-6.
    • 10:50 11:00
      Any other business 10m

      Nathan: How to handle core_sources from JINTRAC, where the power to each ion is missing; only the total ion power source in give.

      Solution (suggested by David; everyone seemed to agree):
          Let's create two options:
           1.   Split the power proportional to the species included.
           2.   Give all power to a single species; let the user select which species to assign the power to.

      ACTION: Nathan should add these options in ids2cpo

      ACTION: Thomas should add these options to the database_core_sources.