SP D meeting


Minutes: SP D KOM Part 1, 21.06.2021


DIFFER D1 (presented by Jorge Gonzalez-Munoz):

So far, experiments from "characterisation campaign" used for modelling: In future: focus more on high fluence experiments (for redeposition) and detachment studies (in co-operation with SP X). Neutral model development: avoid overlap with TSVV 5.

ENEA D1 (presented by Matteo Passoni):

Usage of same SOLPS-ITER version as DIFFER is desirable. Simulations for purely non-hydrogen plasma (He, Ar): further assessment of available data needed.

VTT D1 (presented by Henri Kumpulainen):

For ELM and inter-ELM studies: focus on M18-18.


ÖAW-UIBK D2 (presented by Michael Probst):

Dependence of physical sputtering on Tsurf - probably not very pronounced. Isotope dependence of CAPS for beryllium to be investigated. Iron still of interest, e.g. in view of EUROFER.

VTT D2 (presented by Andreas Holm):

Interaction with TSVV 5, need to avoid overlap. Consideration of isotopes in the future.


ENEA D3 (presented by Matteo Passoni)

Experiments for morphology modelling: time schedule unclear - meeting with SP-B for detailed planning.

FZJ D3 (presented by Andreas Kirschner):

Dynamics of morphology - ion beam experiments: instead of Si sample "fusion-relevant" material preferred: interaction with ENEA and SP B for possible alternative experiments.

VTT D3 (presented by Antti Hakola):

Migration modelling in He plasmas foreseen for future.


VTT D4 (presented by Henri Kumpulainen):

First focus on JET-ILW - deliver input for ERO2.0.

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