Thrust 4 meeting, October 2022


This thrust meeting will have the format of a topical meeting and will be devoted to the topic "optimization of stellarator turbulent transport".

    • 1
      Speaker: Ivan Calvo (CIEMAT)
    • 2
      Overview of activities on optimization of stellarator turbulent transport in TSVV 12. (10' presentation + 10' discussion)
      Speaker: Per Helander (IPP)
    • 3
      Overview of activities of interest for the optimization of stellarator turbulent transport in TSVV 13. (10' presentation + 10' discussion)
      Speaker: Jose Manuel Garcia Regana (CIEMAT)
    • 4
      Coarse-grained gyrokinetics for the critical ion temperature gradient in stellarators: early optimization results. (20' presentation + 10' discussion)
      Speaker: Gareth Roberg-Clark (IPP)
    • 5
      "Turbulence in CIEMAT's new quasi-isodynamic configuration". (20' presentation + 10' discussion)
      Speaker: Jose Manuel Garcia Regana (CIEMAT)
    • 6
      Final discussion