FSD Science Coordination Meeting on JET decommissioning and FSD related activities

David Douai (EUROfusion)


Meeting ID: 7561132465
Passcode: 542 072 0455


    • 1
      Speaker: David Douai (EUROfusion)
    • 2
      UKAEA plans for JET decommissioning
      Speakers: Laura Thorne (UKAEA), Rob Buckingham (UKAEA)
    • 3
      LIBS preparation and plan for operation
      Speaker: Salvatore Almaviva (ENEA)
    • 4
      Needs and plan for removal of tiles from JET-ILW
      Speaker: Jari Likonen (VTT)
    • 5
      Needs and plan for neutronics activities
      Speaker: Rosaria Villari (ENEA CR Frascati UT FUS TECN , Via E. Fermi 44 00044 Frascati (R)
    • 6
      Conclusions/actions from the meeting
      Speaker: ALL
      • detailed planning of JET decommissioning Tranche 1 to be sent : Laura à David
      • JDR organisation and contact persons to be communicated to EUROfusion to ease coordination beyond Jet operations à Rob, Joelle
        • JDR and JPSO to meet on transition to new organisation and communicate UKAEA contact persons
        • urgency: first actions and shipments early 2024 for neutronics !
      • working groups to coordinate storage of tiles at UKAEA, licensing, shipment to EU labs (back and forth) à Jari + nominated UKAEA contact person
      • SRO open for participation of EUROfusion to the decommissioning project 
        • meeting will be organized between Rob and Volker à Sara M.
      • neutron calibration: WP TE and PrIO leaders to agree on requirements and communicate to JPEC asap (calibration foreseen in January) à Emmanuel, Xavier