FSD Science Coordination Meeting / KoM AI&ML projects


Following the endorsement by the General Assembly of the 15 AI&ML projects, we are eager to kick off these activities with the FSD Science Coordination Meeting. 

  • The objectives of the meeting are: 
  • To provide an overview of the endorsed projects to the broader community; 
  • To identify the “home” Work Package (WP) for each project; 
  • To establish a communication platform among AI&ML projects implemented in different WPs through the creation of an additional Thrust; 
  • To clarify the roles and responsibilities of the various individuals and bodies involved (PIs, WP PLs, E-TASC SB, PMU). 

In practical terms, we expect a brief presentation from each PI (5 minutes) followed by short discussions.

ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88220481379?pwd=RGRiYzQ2UmRPYmNwdU5LM3hoeC9hQT09