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SPA Midterm Meeting
Disussion of Status of individual Deliverables
Meeting Room
Zoom-Meeting beitreten
Meeting-ID: 812 1955 9737
Kenncode: 039381
Damage threshold for different W materials at varying loading conditions in matrix form
& Understanding the damage mechanisms and changes in material properties, influence of / changes in the retention behavior (FZJ)
Qualification of OLMAT as HHF facility in comparison with QSPA and GLADIS (CIEMAT)
Qualification of W-Heavy Alloys for use in W7-X in conjunction with test on new tungsten mock-ups (WP MAT) and PFUs for WEST (WP TE) (MPG)
Qualification of current baseline materials under transient (HHF plasma load with QSPA) and steady state loading (PSI-2, JUDITH) (KIPT)
Results from tests of small-scale samples of W and other advanced materials and components (LPP-ERM/KMS)
Performance of advanced materials under high heat loads and their microstructural characterization (MPG)
Analysis of Material behavior e.g. (Wf/W) under Plasma and heat loading regarding mechanical properties e.g. cracking, embrittlement, and microstructure. Link to SP A4 (FZJ)
Investigation of advanced materials under ELM-like/disruption transient loading and subsequent analysis (KIPT)
Effect of energetic ion irradiation on the strength of W wire (MPG)
Pre- and post characterization of samples (MPG)
Assessment of hydrogen impact on material properties linked to ITER relevant PFUs (CEA)
Annealing of chosen tungsten-based materials and quantification of recrystallization kinetics (DTU)
Code Development examine specific engineering use cases for transient heat flux analysis on ITER and/or DEMO (JSI)
Influence of plasma pre irradiation with heat loads near surface recrystallization on surface damaging with heat loads above the melting threshold (KIPT)
Analysis for PSI-2 exposed materials, focusing on recrystallization (FZJ)
Development and validation of the MEMOS-U code (link with WP TE – WEST/AUG) (VR)