Discussion on reference layers simulating the WEST co-deposits (complex structure, large porosity etc.) --> separate discussion needed and possibly will be adopted in SP B.4 (in 2023 or in later years)
The list of deliverables is at high level presently - the details will be defined in conversations with the involved RUs
WEST samples have lesser emphasis inside individual tasks than AUG samples from the He campaign; however, analyses of all the available samples is expected to be completed without issues
No easy comparison possible, yet, with the C3, C4, and ITER-like PFU results since the last is still not converted into absolute units
To be discussed separately: role of He^2+ in sputtering (as on AUG/JET/WEST etc.)? And the origin of the ripples observed in SEM images of exposed pyramid samples?
Schedule a separate discussion on C4 results into early 2023
Consider also adding W distribution on the B, C, and D deposition profiles to comment on its distribution --> suitable methods to be discussed separately
Microscopy studies of WEST samples
Elzbieta Fortuna-Zalesna(IPPLM), Martin Balden(IPP), Mathilde Diez(CEA)